Our First Sip Session Event

We are on a mission to build something unique in Winnipeg, a series of gatherings that not only foster professional development but al

Mar 30, 2024

Sip Sessions: Brewing Connections and Innovation in Winnipeg

In the heart of Winnipeg, a new tradition is brewing, one that promises to blend professional growth with the warmth of community gatherings. The debut of our Sip Session event on March 28th was nothing short of a success, exceeding our expectations in the best way possible. The event, hosted at Lavanda Cafe, turned out to be a sold-out affair, bringing together like-minded individuals for an evening of insightful discussions and networking.

Sip Sessions stemmed from a casual conversation between myself (Maddie Thompson) and Marissa Naylor, driven by our shared vision to cultivate a more connected community in Winnipeg. We wanted to create an event that was different from a typical corporate meet-up; we envisioned something more laid-back, fun, and inherently ‘us’. Reflecting on the evening, Marissa shared a sentiment that resonated deeply with me, “this really feels like us”. It was affirming to see our vision come to life, creating an environment that was as chill and inviting as we had hoped.

Our inaugural session featured an incredible panel, including David Bachewich and Jackie Wild, whose insights spanned across various industries, enriching the conversation. The topic of the night, brand storytelling provided the eagerness of Winnipeg's community to delve into such forward-thinking subjects.

Lavanda Cafe, with its welcoming ambience, was the perfect backdrop for our event. It’s a place that embodies the spirit of community, making it an ideal spot not just for our sessions but also as a cozy nook for catching up with friends over coffee or lunch.

As we bask in the afterglow of a successful evening, the excitement for what's next is already building. Our next Sip Session is scheduled for April 29th, and while the details are still being brewed, the anticipation is palpable.

We are on a mission to build something unique in Winnipeg, a series of gatherings that not only foster professional development but also cultivate a sense of belonging and togetherness.

To everyone who joined us for our first Sip Session, thank you. Your enthusiasm and engagement are what truly brought this event to life. And to those who are yet to experience what we have in store, stay tuned. We promise it’s an experience you won’t want to miss.

Here’s to many more evenings of learning, networking, and, most importantly, community building. Winnipeg, let's keep the conversation flowing.


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