GLOBE Series

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We navigated the challenges brought by COVID-19 to deliver impactful and engaging content.

GLOBE Series

Project Details

Project Date
Video Content

About the project

In collaboration with GLOBE Series, we navigated the challenges brought by COVID-19 to deliver impactful and engaging content. Leveraging Zoom interviews, we integrated climate partners who couldn't be filmed in person, seamlessly blending these interviews with high-quality footage, stock visuals, music, and graphics.

GLOBE Series
GLOBE Series

Project execution

This hybrid approach was key to meeting the client's needs during the pandemic. Our work included dynamic on-the-fly edits, compelling lead-up promos, and captivating event recaps, showcasing our ability to adapt and deliver under any circumstances. Let us know if you need access to the purely stock, music, and kinetic text elements that formed an essential part of this project.

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Let’s connect!  Schedule a Complimentary 15 minute discovery chat with a light strategy session.

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