Scale Your Brand With Facebook Ads Optimized For Profit

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\Our ad wizards work their magic across multiple platforms to make sure your message hits its mark, every time.

Trusted by the best brands

The MAD Facebook Ad Services

Facebook Feed Ads

Reach your audience with eye-catching ads directly in their Facebook news feed, designed to engage and convert.

Facebook Stories Ads

Utilize the immersive format of Stories to create engaging, full-screen ads that capture attention quickly.

Video Ads

Use video to tell your story or showcase your products, leveraging Facebook's extensive reach to connect with viewers.

Carousel Ads

Display multiple images or videos in a single ad, allowing users to swipe through and engage with different aspects of your offerings.

Lead Ads

Capture leads directly on Facebook with simple, pre-populated forms, making it easy for users to express interest in your services.

Retargeting Ads

Re-engage users who have interacted with your brand or website, reminding them of your offerings and encouraging them to return.


The MAD Ad Approach

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To grow your business, consistent lead generation is key. Organic reach on Facebook can be inconsistent, making it challenging to maintain a steady flow of new customers. With our Facebook Ads services, we guarantee a regular influx of leads each month. Our experts create, manage, and optimize your campaigns to meet your business goals.

Our Benefits

How MAD can help


High-Level Lead Acquisition

Focus on clients seeking premium, high-quality Facebook leads. We guarantee a minimum of 10 leads per month. Even a low close rate of 15% will result in a positive ROI.


Analytics Setup

You’ll receive on-going updates on how things are going. In the beginning, we’ll send you several updates per week. We’ll also send monthly reports to show how things have gone.


Ad Optimization

Facebook assuming that youAd performance always varies. An ad can be a gold mine one day and a coal mine the next. With constant optimization we’ll ensure that the ads are always performing.


Retargeting Ads

Re-engage past visitors with personalized Facebook ads that bring them back to your site, increasing the likelihood of conversion.


Video Ads

Captivate your audience with dynamic visuals and storytelling, perfect for showcasing your brand on a platform where video content thrives.


Testing Plan

It’s important to continuously test new Facebook ads to ensure the well never runs dry. In the beginning, we’ll dedicate 20-30% of the budget towards this, but over the long run, we’ll still have 5-15% allocated towards testing.

Our Process

A simple, yet effective three step process.

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At MAD Social Agency, we get that time is money, especially when it comes to paid ads. Our suite of ad services is laser-focused on efficiency and impact. From ad creation to optimization, we handle the nitty-gritty so you can zero in on scaling your empire. Our process is slick, quick, and designed to make every ad dollar count.



We'll kick things off with a detailed discussion to align your business goals with our Facebook Ads strategies. This initial consultation sets the foundation for a successful campaign.


Ad Creation

After the consultation, we move into the creative phase. This includes setting up your ad account, developing campaign strategies, and creating ad content that resonates with your target audience. Here's the breakdown:

The breakdown is:

1. $1500 Retainer
2. $1500 Ad Budget Up to $5,000
3. 1-3 Campaigns per month
4. 10 Lead Guarantee



We continually optimize your ads based on performance data. Our goal is not only to create visually appealing ads but also to ensure they deliver measurable results.This content is designed to reflect the specific focus and services you offer through Facebook Ads, capturing your unique approach and expertise. Let me know if you'd like any further customization!4o

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